July 20, 2023


Pond Tail Surgery PPG

Minutes of meeting

Meeting Thursday 20th July 2023 @ 7pm, Lindley Road Community Centre:


1.    Welcome: Alban Brindle welcomed all to the eleventh PPG meeting

2.    Apologies & Introductions – Apologies for absence received from Alan White, Dr. Shelina Jaffer, Ian Smith and Fran Lemanska. Maddie Tomkins, Candy Edwards, Michael Swain were not present. Welcome to new members Huw Williams and Geoff Stone. Also present were Alban Brindle, Jackie Clark, John Buck, Suzana Zizek.

3.    Election of Chairman & Vice-Chairman – AB restated that he would not be standing for re-election as chair in the New Year. It was suggested that discussion regarding the way forward could take place with the full group on Whatsapp. John Buck also suggested that someone else should take the minutes of the meetings rather than Alban. This could also be discussed on the Whatsapp group or at the next meeting.

4.    PPG Newsletter– Some considerable discussion took place on the prescriptions content for the next newsletter, with the focus on the many ways in which prescriptions could be ordered. Jackie agreed with Ifese that she would write up an interview with Ifese regarding the new Pharmacy – the background and its plans for the future. Jenny will liaise with Ifese to provide an up to date overview of the prescriptions system and liaise with John to produce an updated piece for the next newsletter. This will include references to the new Surgery website (see below)

5.    Newsletter distribution – AB has sent a request for distribution of the Newsletter through the Godstone Club and is awaiting a response. Café Connect was also suggested as a distribution point Alban will follow this up.

6.    Recruiting remaining members – Jackie updated that she had not yet had success in recruiting anyone from the traveller community. However, Fran stated at the last meeting that she has a contact who works extensively in the traveller community, so she will contact this person for suggestions for new members from this community. Also at the last meeting, Jenny stated that she would organise a text message campaign to all patients between 18 and 25 years of age. Fran and Jenny to follow up.

7.    Health Champions Initiative: Dr. Jaffer is leaving the surgery, so this initiative may not progress at least for a while. However, feedback from the initial meeting, which took place 8th June, suggested that there were already many initiatives going on in Godstone, which provided a lot of the type of initiatives, which the health champions would have covered. Therefore, the Surgery will produce a booklet, which will bring together all the available resources into one place and distribute this booklet. Alban pointed out that the meeting on 8th June had not been attended by anyone from the younger section of the community, so that the opportunity for this section of the community to voice their ideas on the health champions initiative had been absent.  Therefore, it was possibly a mistake to assume that the feedback represented the whole community.   

8.    Update from the Surgery: – Jenny stated that a GP Assistant had been recruited 2 months ago. She will be overseeing the blood test results (with close guidance and supervision from the GP’s) so that the process for any normal test results can be expedited. Jenny also provided hard copies of the latest GP Patient Survey results, which show a substantial improvement across the board for Pond Tail, with all criteria showing improvement, and many criteria showing substantial improvement. It was agreed that these results should be publicised, and posted on the PPG Facebook page.

9.    Surgery Reception: - Jackie pointed out that the current arrangement of the various display boards in the reception area might be improved. This is mainly due to the lack of space, but the most important board (new Surgery facilities) is in a less frequented area. Jenny agreed to look at the possibility of moving these around. It was also suggested that the Surgery consider having a screen in the reception area where announcements and other pertinent information could be seen by patients whilst waiting. Jenny agreed to investigate this.

10.  Surgery Website: - Jenny stated that the new Surgery website would be launched soon, possibly by the end of August. This will replace the existing website altogether and will provide the Surgery with much needed control over the layout and content. The website will of course cover up to date information on the surgery facilities, prescriptions system and all other aspects of the Surgery.

11.  Prescriptions & Pharmacy – It was agreed that this had been covered extensively in the discussion on the upcoming newsletter.    

12.  Facebook page – No update

13.  Next meeting 21st September 2023

14.  AOB – nothing to report